
Showing posts from February, 2018

Life checklists and what they really look like

Education/career ✅ Graduate high school ✅  Graduate college Choose one or combination: ✅ Spend years w ondering what to do with your life ✅ Question w hy am I putting myself through this much stress ✅ T his is not how I imagined my career to be Graduate school ✅  Find a lab to join ✅  Pass preliminary exam ✅  Graduate school slump/depression/anxiety ✅  Pass advancement  ✅  Defend thesis Planning a wedding ✅ Make guest list ✅  Book venue/ceremony sites ✅  Pick bridal party ✅  Choose a theme ✅  Meltdown/panic attack ✅  Pick wedding colors Settling down ✅  Go on first date ✅  Become exclusive (boyfriend/girlfriend) ✅  Show them how crazy you are Next, only pick one ✅  Scare them away ✅  Get engaged/married