#foreverbunyin 6 month post

It’s been a little over 6 months since our wedding day! People keep asking me how married life is going and surprisingly, transitioning into marriage hasn’t felt like a huge change for us. That’s not to say that we have the perfect relationship because we still argue probably almost every day (lol). But overall it just felt like a very natural progression. We had been living together since August (we got married in December) so we had 4 months to adjust before the wedding. I think the first month was definitely the most rough where we both felt a little bit of tension but it wasn’t for any specific reasons. There were a couple of fights because I pretty much do all the cooking and the cleaning and I had a couple of those moments where I was like…. Omg… is it going to be like this THE REST OF MY LIFE I DON’T KNOW IF I CAN HANDLE BEING HIS MAID!!!??!!!! And then there were a couple big fights about money but it was usually related to wedding stuff. But since then we haven’t had any...