The happier I am, the less I have to say on this blog...
Just an interesting observation I've had. But I still try to come up with posts. I just have a harder time thinking of one.
And it makes sense because rather than thinking about life and being in my head all the time (which then becomes a blog post), I'm busy living and being present in my life.
But it's hard to tell yourself to stop thinking about things and forcing yourself to be present all the time. Or maybe I'm just really bad at distracting myself and staying focused when I'm busy. Even when I try to think about something else, I'll usually end up thinking about whatever it is that's bothering me again (and I try this about 100 times).
I think it's a mix of both too. That when you're present in your life, you're happier and that when you're happier, you're more present in your life...
I guess the healthy thing is to do the best you can. And to not judge yourself for failing. Because it always just takes some time.
Which is true for pretty much everything in life.
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