
Showing posts from April, 2016

My first time with sleep paralysis

I had my first experience with sleep paralysis this past weekend.  In summary, sleep paralysis happens when your body thinks your asleep but you're still awake. When your body thinks you're asleep, it relaxes so that you don't move while you're dreaming and hurt yourself. When people have sleep paralysis, they're awake but unable to move their body since it's "sleeping."  A lot of people have hallucinations during sleep paralysis which can also make it really frightening. The night it happened, I was having anxiety and trouble sleeping.  I was facing the wall in my room and all of a sudden I hear this noise like someone's filling up their water cup from a water cooler. Which freaks me out because I don't have a water cooler in my room! I don't turn around because I'm hoping it's just my imagination. But I get the sense that whatever it is, was just taking a water break. Like he's preparing to do something.  ...

Anxiety Spiral

That joke was kind of mean.  It's not a big deal, everything is going to be OK If I bring this up, I'm going to make him feel bad.   It's not a big deal, everything is going to be OK  He's going to think I'm trying to change him .  It's not a big deal, everything is going to be OK We don't have similar senses of humor. It's not a big deal, everything is going to be OK That's another thing we don't have in common. It's not a big deal, everything is going to be OK If we don't have anything in common, this relationship isn't going to last. It's not a big deal, everything is going to be OK He's not going to like me anymore.   It's not a big deal, everything is going to be OK He's going to break up with me.   It's not a big deal, everything is going to be OK I'm going to have another failed relationship. It's not a big deal, everything is going to be OK I...

Anxieties of voting

I know I should be more proactive in following politics to be an informed citizen and vote. And I do believe it does make a difference. But if you don't have a passion for it, it gets overwhelming having to deal with all the rhetoric and let's be real, no one really has all the right answers... so I know I'm being complacent and there's so many other things going on that it's easy to not be thinking about it. I do want to be better though So I'm taking one step at a time I registered to vote online today (yay!)  (for those of you who want to be better too! And live in California...) I figured that's good enough for now at least :)

Confessions of a Happy Person

I took the Pottermore sorting quiz and I got Hufflepuff :( Sometimes I get embarrassed that I write this blog. I really love research and being a grad student... but sometimes I wonder if it's worth all the work and stress. If things could always be worse, then when is it OK to complain? When I'm dead??? I think I'm a pretty average person, but sometimes I wonder if maybe it's just because I'm around people that are more awkward/weird/nerdy than I am. I worry that the way I see myself, isn't how other people see me. I don't think I'm worried about what other people think of me... I think I'm just worried about being totally wrong and not knowing it.  I know worrying never helps anyone. And telling me not to worry only makes me worry that you think I worry too much... which is probably true. But I don't want you thinking that. Don't tell me to be happy. I'm tired of pretending to be happy when I...