5 years

Making a sort-of small post since it’s the 5 year anniversary of my blog. I’ve been looking back and have made a list of some highlight posts below. 

I don’t post as much and part of that is because I am doing much better these days. 

I do think that during the time I was struggling is also the time that I went through the most personal self-growth into who I am now. I feel like personality-wise I perhaps didn’t change that much but instead of being the person I think I “should” be, I’m more of the person that I want to be. Not to say there aren’t things that I think I could do better and I will always be a work-in-progress but I am much more at peace with myself. 

I still deal with social anxiety at times and I actively work on letting those negative thoughts go but I’ve come to accept that it’s just a part of who I am. I also feel that I’m much better at recognizing my harmful thought processes and dealing with my feelings. And even on the days where I don’t feel great or like myself, I “bounce” back much faster. One of the things I try to do more often is pray to God about the things I struggle with and to be honest, it surprisingly always helps. Most importantly, I give myself time to not be happy and be OK with that. 

As always, thanks for reading!! 


Short Posts:






Longer Posts: 





Posts I wrote but never posted: 

June 23, 2018- When I was struggling

When I was struggling, I would often pray to God asking:

For Strength. 

    Against my darkest thoughts

For Courage. 

    So that I could be true to myself

To Bless me.

    In my life and work 

As time went I’ve realized that He had already 

Made me Strong enough to fight 

Loves me unconditionally so I can be brave

And given me more Blessings than I can count 

June 13, 2018- What they don’t see

“You’re handling everything really well” 

That’s what people tell me.

But that’s because they see the smiling person who’s excited about moving to Seattle, graduating from her PhD, finding a new job, and getting married all within 10 months.

They don’t see the person who has trouble sleeping at night

The person who spent all weekend crying

The person who picks petty fights with her fiancĂ© 

I guess I am handling it pretty well, at least enough to hold it all together. Until someone isn’t looking. 


I wanted to give a shout-out to Jesse Wu for asking about my blog. Little things like that make me feel more motivated to post :) 

June 11, 2017- My Jekyll and Hyde of productivity

I seem to only have two settings:

1) Super organized, efficient, productive, lots of energy and motivation and getting everything done.


2) Super stressed, overwhelmed, unmotivated, and then I freak out over something, end up crying all day and can't get anything done because I'm exhausted AND my head hurts from all the crying.

No date- The lies I used to believe

•  That if you had done better during undergrad you'd be at a better school than UC Irvine 

•  That you'll never find a fulfilling relationship

•  That you're not working hard enough

•  That you're wasting your PhD advisor's time 

•  That you'll never be content with your life 


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